5 Reasons why enrolling in Public Speaking Courses is important at an early age.

3 min readDec 2, 2020
Photo by Kane Reinholdtsen on Unsplash

It is not uncommon to hear of people having stage fright or a phobia of speaking in public. It can indeed be a very nervous moment for some of us.

Such hesitation and fright can be waved a permanent goodbye if we plant the seeds of confidence right from childhood in our children, during their formative years. The best way to do so is to get them enrolled in public speaking courses.

Laying the foundation of public speaking in childhood can reap significant benefits throughout their life that your child will always thank you for!

Here are five major reasons why you must consider enrolling your child into a public speaking course:

1. Helps Overcome Fear

Some children can be shy and hesitant in public. They might take years to come out of their shells. But with public speaking, your child will surely overcome any shyness they face. Although not an overnight miracle, it will slowly but surely start to show in their personality.

If children develop this skill at an early age, they would never feel hesitant again. Public Speaking boosts self-esteem, confidence and helps overcome fear in the long run.

2. Improves Listening Skill

Can public speaking improve your listening skill? Yes. Strange but true. When your child joins a public speaking course, they are exposed to different individuals’ different opinions. As you expect your audience to give you an ear, you do the same for others.

This makes your child receptive to diverse opinions and ideas. Being a patient listener is a crucial trait that can be essential to build relationships and understand your audience in business.

3. Helps Voice Opinions

Everyone has a distinct point of view. Some express it openly, some might not, some might contemplate but not be sure enough. But when you are adept at public speaking, you will not feel shy to voice your opinion.

Voicing out opinions and giving inputs in a discussion, presentation, or debate matter a lot. It also helps improve the academic performance of your child along with extra-curricular activities.

4. Boosts Overall Personality Development

Your child might be a pro at studies but still, be hesitant to speak in a group. While academic excellence is something, every child wishes for, being a good communicator is equally essential.

As children grow, they are required to speak frequently in public. It could be via presentations, debates, seminars, elocutions, interviews, or group discussions. Public Speaking courses can help your child get rid of any hesitation and evolve with trial and error. Once they get comfortable with it, they will excel at competitions and events too, along with academics.

5. Ensures a better future

A rational thought process, along with an effective communication pattern, form the basis of success during adulthood. Without effective communication, it is tough to land a good job or build a lucrative career.

But if your child has learnt the art of public speaking, be rest assured, he is well equipped with both the skills. This ability can ensure a better future for your child and land him that dream job.

Undermining their child’s talent and capability is a mistake that many parents make. Don’t do that mistake. Give them the right platform and watch them spread their wings and fly high in the sky of opportunities.




A freelance writer with an opinion about everything! An upcoming novelist, a foodie, a sitcom fanatic and a woman with growing weakness for books.