Business Etiquette — An Introduction

2 min readJul 4, 2020
Photo by Ali Morshedlou on Unsplash

Etiquette in simple words refers to good behavior that distinguishes human beings from animals. Business etiquette is a means to maximize your business potential. How you present yourself to others speaks volumes about your personality. Behavior matters as much as talent or skill does. Unprofessional behavior could cost you your job.

Business Etiquette encompasses the following:

  1. General Corporate Etiquette- Corporate Etiquette refers to how an individual should behave while he is at work. Each one needs to maintain the decorum of the organization.
  2. Dressing Etiquette — Dressing plays an important role in business etiquette. Your apparel speaks a lot about you.
  3. Electronic Etiquette- Phones and emails are the most used media for communication in a business. It is essential to learn how one should interact with the other person over the phone and how mails should be formatted.
  4. Table & Meeting Etiquette- Meeting Etiquette refers to styles one needs to adopt when he is attending any meeting, seminar, presentation, and so on. Always listen to what the other person has to say before asking your query. It’s advisable to enter the meeting room with a notepad and pen to jot down important points for future reference. Individuals must also follow certain decorum while eating in public. Don’t make noise while eating. Basic etiquette involves not leaving the table unless and until everyone has finished eating.
  5. Cultural Etiquette — With business going global, it is very important to learn the various cultural practices in the countries where our business operates.
  6. Values-based etiquettes — This is the most important set of etiquettes that reflects your personality in the business.




A freelance writer with an opinion about everything! An upcoming novelist, a foodie, a sitcom fanatic and a woman with growing weakness for books.