3 min readAug 28, 2020


Database Management Software (DBMS) is used for the storage, manipulation, and management of data. It can be called as the 'intermediary' between a user and the database. A database is complicated to understand, and a DBMS makes it easier for the user to access the files located in the database.

Features of DBMS

• Low Redundancy Level

Several users access a single database for work purposes, which increases the chances of duplication. A DBMS creates a single data repository that multiple users can access.

• Improved Security

DBMS restricts access for users in various ways. Complete access to the software is provided only to the database administrator or a departmental head. Without full access, no user can modify the database or harm it. This makes the database secure.

• Multi-User Support

With a DBMS, multiple users can work on the same database at the same time. It also gives customized views of the data according to the user’s requirement. This feature makes it perfect for organizations.

Advantages of DBMS

• Data sharing

The primary purpose of DBMS is to enable smooth access for multiple users to structured data that is easy to understand.

• Data Security

DBMS is challenging to access because of the access controls. It also provides better security and a better framework to implement data policies and privacy rules.

• Data Consistency

When data is not centralized, there are various versions of the same data available at different places. This can lead to a conflict of data. When all the data is stored under one database for every user, it eliminates any inconsistency that one may encounter otherwise.

• Better Productivity

When the data is available in an organized and consistent manner, it allows the end-user to make better and informed decisions. This helps to boost their productivity.

Disadvantages of DBMS

• Cost Factor

DBMS requires the guidance of highly skilled personnel along with a sophisticated hardware and software, without which it is useless. A lot of costs are incurred in maintaining these things. Also, there are overhead costs of training, licensing, and regulation compliance after DBMS’s installation.

• Frequent Upgrades

DBMS vendors consistently upgrade the functionality of their products. If you purchase an upgrade, sometimes you might be required to upgrade the hardware too. Also, there is money involved in training the users to get acquainted with the updated DBMS.

• Management Complexity

DBMS is known to impact a company’s culture and resources. This means that whenever a change related to the database system is introduced, it should be managed very well. It should sync with the company’s objectives. The security of the database should be maintained at all times.

Difference between DBMS & RDBMS

• DBMS applications store data as a file, whereas the Relational Database Management System (RDMS) holds the data in a tabular format. With DBMS, there cannot be any relation between tables. RDMS can have a relationship between tables as the data values are stored in the form of a table.

• DBMS stores data in a hierarchical or navigational form. In the RDBMS, tables have an identifier called the primary key.

• DBMS does not support a distributed database, but RDBMS supports it.

• DBMS is designed to handle a small amount of data, whereas RDMS can take a large amount of data.




A freelance writer with an opinion about everything! An upcoming novelist, a foodie, a sitcom fanatic and a woman with growing weakness for books.